The Salem city police on Sunday released a sketch of one of the suspected assailants in the murder of the BJP State General Secretary ‘Auditor' V. Ramesh (52) and the suspect is expected to be in the age group of 25 to 40 years.
The sketch was prepared by the Hasthampatti police on the basis of a description provided by the 71-year-old watchman who was present in the auditor's office in Second Cross in Maravaneri when the incident took place on Friday.
The police said that the watchman had noticed three unidentified persons entering the premises and committed the crime in less than a minute and fled the scene. Due to the non-functioning of the street-light near the office, the security personnel could not notice the face of other two assailants, the police said.
Preliminary investigation revealed that the assailants could have kept a watch on the movement of the leader for a few days when he moved between his office and the house in the First Cross in the area. Since cadres and company representatives come to visit Mr. Ramesh, the people in the area also did not bother about the movement of people, the police added. Also presence of large number of trees in the area kept the illumination from street-lights low, they added.
The police said that if people came across the suspected murderer, they could contact Hasthampatti police station at 0427-2412615 or the Inspector at 94430-89728. Details will be kept confidential, they added.