The Madras High Court Bench here has dismissed an appeal filed by the chairman of Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) challenging a single judge’s order directing him to provide special marks to a candidate in the Grade II police constable recruitment.
The candidate, B. Vijaya Baskar, had secured 55 marks in the written examination held in June 2012, said the petitioner’s counsel V. Thirumal.
After a certificate verification and physical measurement Mr Baskar was given 12 marks in addition to the 55 marks, he added.
Despite having a cut off of 67 marks as mandated by the recruitment board, Mr Baskar was not selected, the counsel claimed.
He further alleged that the officials did not consider Mr Baskar’s NCC certificate and award one special mark during the selection process.
Therefore Mr Baskar moved the court and a single judge had directed the officials to consider his NCC certificate and award an additional mark to him.
In his appeal, the chairman claimed that the candidate did not produce his original NCC certificate at the time of certificate verification.
Dismissing the appeal, a division bench comprising Justices N. Paul Vasanthakumar and P. Devadass ruled that the officials were bound to award one mark to the candidate.