
It is narrated in legend that Madurai was originally a forest known as Kadambavanam. One day, a farmer named Dhananjaya who was passing through the forest, saw Indra (The king of the gods), worshipping a swayambhu (self created Lingam ) under kadamba tree. Dhananjaya, the farmer immediately reported this to King Kulasekara Pandya. Kulasekara Pandya cleared the forest and built a temple around the Lingam. A city was soon planned with the temple as its centre. On the day the city was to be named, Lord Shiva is said to have appeared and drops of nectar from his hair fell on the town. So, the place was named Madurai - mathuram meaning "sweetness" in Tamil.
Home » » New security systems for CMCH soon

New security systems for CMCH soon

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 24 July 2013 | 21:15

special security gate would be installed shortly at the main entrance of the Coimbatore Medical College Hospital (CMCH) to prevent entry of unauthorised vehicles and persons.
All doctors and other hospital personnel would be issued with smart cards. A cabin would be constructed near the entrance where a machine would be installed to read the smart card, CMCH Deputy Medical Superintendent Isaac Christian Moses told The Hindu here on Wednesday.
A camera would be mounted on the cabin to record the number plates of all vehicles entering the hospital.
Already, patients and their attendants were being issued a wrist band, which would be synchronised with this system. A security guard would be posted round-the-clock to ensure patients were allowed expeditious entry into the hospital complex. Unauthorised persons would be stopped at the gate itself.
The main objective was to decongest the hospital premises and enhance security. The system would also ensure that vehicles do not overstay on the hospital premises. The installation works of the special security gate was likely to commence shortly, he said.
“As no parking fee for vehicles was collected at the CMCH, some outsiders are found parking their vehicles inside the hospital, resulting in congestion. Once the security gate is in place, we can prevent such incidents,” said Dr. Moses.
Another decongestion measure under consideration was to convert the main entrance of CMCH into an entry point for vehicles and the rear entrance the exit.
The security personnel have been instructed to prevent patients and attendants from carrying plastic covers, usually food parcels, which frequently clogged hospital drainage pipes. Other banned materials include liquor bottles, cigarettes and plastic cans. Further, the special gate would also prevent unauthorised persons from sleeping on the premises in the night.
As part of a campaign to maintain hygiene, the security personnel have also been instructed to prevent smoking and spitting inside the hospital premises. Imposition of fines for such offences was under consideration.
Smart cards to be issued to all doctors, hospital personnel
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