The idea of unity in diversity has been the basis of Indian culture since ancient times and the Indian cultural identity is defined by Hindutva, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat said on Sunday.
“The world thinks that for unity you need uniformity. But in India, the idea of unity in diversity has been prevalent since ancient times. This has been the basis of unity in Indian culture. The common people know this culture as Hindu culture. Hindutva is the basis of unity in our country,” Mr. Bhagwat said in his address on the occasion of Guru Purnima.
He said the world recognised India as a Hindu rashtra. “So Hindutva is India’s identity. It’s the identity of everybody staying in this country. Except the Jews and the Parsis, everybody’s ancestors in India were Hindus. We are all influenced by the Hindu culture.”
The RSS chief said the Hindus and Muslims in this country would find a way to stay together in this country “and that path will certainly be the Hindu path.”